Cedarworks Playsets And Swing Sets Prices And Specs

Many big backyard swing sets often look very similar with a few differences in accessories. However, if you want an imposing playset that is unique and one that the children would love to play in, then have a look at Cedarworks playsets and swing sets.

These swing sets are truly one of a kind. They’re designed like “wonderland”, they’re made of white cedar, and they have the coolest most amazing play accessories as well. You won’t see many of these sets around as they do come at a price. But if you can afford them, they truly are a beauty.

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Cedarworks Playsets Specs

There are three different types of Cedarworks playsets.

cedarworks playsets

Serendipity Swing Sets

These are top of the line swing sets with amazing designs. These are fully customizable with curved beams and slides. The Serendipity Swing set prices to range from $10,000 to $50,000. Here are some examples of what your next backyard swing set could look like:

cedarworks frolic

Cedarworks Frolic Playsets

Cedarworks Frolic is made of exactly the same wood as the Serendipity models. However, they tend to be smaller and are therefore a lot more affordable. They don’t have the same “grandeur” that you immediately feel from the Serendipity line, but they are just as durable, just as well made, and just as super cool. Price ranges from $1200 to $7100 dollars.


Play-A-Round Cedaworks Playset

Now, these are the more affordable and are made of round log cedar.  The designs are not as intricate as the other two types of Cedarwork playsets but still have the very unique imaginative look that Cedarworks is associated with. Play-a-around sets are not customizable nor are they made to hold adult weight, unlike Serendipity and Frolic. Price ranges from $1900 – $3500 dollars.

Why Buy Cedarworks Playsets

We’ve featured many different kinds of swing sets on this site. We’ve gushed about how quick it is to put together metal swing sets. We’ve constantly reiterated how good wooden swing sets look in one’s backyard.

But if you want the coolest, the hippest, the most unique playset for your backyard,  you’d want to give Cedarworks playsets a good long look.


The Material:

All cedarworks backyard playsets are made of Northern White cedar. Native to North America, this is the queen of all Cedar wood. It’s superior to every other wood material used in many other swing sets including redwood, other cedar species and specially the faux cedar from China. This wood is splinter free and rot resistant and DOES NOT need maintenance or chemical treatment throughout the years (although the color may change because of age).

Made in the USA

All swing set parts are made in the USA and a few select Cedar mills in Canada

Can Be Customized

Not a lot of swing sets can boast of this nice feature. As much as all the preconfigured swing sets already look very nice, you can choose to customize them to fit your children’s like or your backyard size

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