Spa2Go Portable Hot Tub Spa Review

Know the pros and cons of owning a spa2go hot tub with this review. Also includes important things you need to know when buying this inflatable spa.

Spa 2 Go

Spa2go is the pioneer in inflatable spas and is pretty much the first thing that people think of when thinking about this kind of spa. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. This means we get a commission for any qualifying purchases.

This is one of the cheapest and most portable spa available today. This article aims to give you an idea on what to expect when buying this hot tub. It includes:

  • A Review: Pros and Cons
  • Should You Buy One?
  • Impt. Things To Remember Before Buying A Spa2Go
  • Buying Replacement Parts

Spa2Go Review

Here´s a summary of consumer reviews on the Spa2Go Portable Spa.


It´s not difficult to get excited about a hot tub that´s cheap and easy to install. And these are most likely going to be the same reasons you´ll love this spa.

As of time of writing, the Spa 2 Go costs somewhere between $700-900. With acrylic hot tubs costing as much as $3000 for the cheapest one, the budget conscious user would no doubt go with this tub.

Another good point of a Spa2go is its portability. Traveling in your rv? Living in a temporary place? Want to take your hot tub with you when you move house? Then this spa makes everything very easy.

And the good points don´t just stop there. With a Spa2Go:

  • you don´t need to have any special pipes/water system. All you need is a garden hose to fill the tub up.
  • It´s reasonably easy to install as long as you make sure you read the manual carefully.

Cons/Common Spa2Go Problems

Consumers have reported problems with the breakdown of the power pack, blower or heater after a few weeks/months of using it.

The manufacturer replaces these items as stated on the warranty. This may sound very simple but this can be more frustrating than it sounds. There have been some reports on the manufacturer taking a long time to send the replacement. This is a reality that you have to be prepared for and if you are, waiting for that replacement won´t be as annoying.

Temperature Problems: The Spa2Go hot tub is supposed to heat up to 105 degrees. Well, they do. But once you turn on the blower, then the problem starts. The temperature could easily drop to 102 degrees in an hour or two and if you stay there for an even longer time, it drops even further to less than a 100. This isn´t such a big problem of course if you don´t plan to stay in the tub for hours.
Should You Buy A Spa2Go?

If you can afford it, we recommend buying a non-inflatable hot tub instead of an inflatable one. But remember, that the cost is vastly different. So if you just want to get in a portable spa now, then get a Spa2Go.

This is also not such a bad idea to buy when you´re in a temporary residence, you want to take one with you while traveling, or when you just want to try a hot tub before you buy an acrylic or other kinds of spas.

Don´t expect the Spa2go portable hot tub to be perfect. This is one product where you get what you pay for (although that´s not always true to all hot tubs). This may sound a bit discouraging, but the only way to not be discouraged with this purchase is to expect problems. So that IF they do come, your frustration is a lot less that if you expected a perfect spa.

Do know that all inflatable spas suffer from pretty much the same problems. A word of advice: if you buy a spa2go or other inflatable hot tubs, make sure you ask

  • who pays for shipping should you need to ship it back
  • how about replacement parts? Where can you get them?
  • how long is the warranty for the parts, servicing and the like?

Advice If You´re Buying One: Read the manual. If you´re like me, you would rather just get down and dirty. But this is one thing you need to do with this product. This will definitely make installation much easier and you´ll know the basics when it comes to how to take care of your tub.

And if you want this hot tub to last, it needs some tender loving care.

Important Things You Need To Know

1) It takes as long as 2 days to initially heat up the water in the Spa2go.

2) Make sure you know exactly how to maintain your hot tub. THIS is a VERY important part of this hot tub care if you want it to last for a long time. Never use chlorine with this spa.

If you can´t get spa2go replacement parts from your local dealer, it´s often very easy to buy them online.

Don´t be surprised! But I find that the best way to get the cheapest spa2go replacement parts is through Ebay. So if you´re comparing the cost of parts from different online retailers, check out the prices on Ebay as well.

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