The Search For A Buddha Garden Statue For Sale


I live in a small town and finding a Buddha garden statue for sale is next to impossible. Thanks to online shopping, I never have to worry about these things.

As I said in another article, my husband was insistent on doing a LOT of research before we “flunk” our garden with a large Buddha statue. There were several things we had to consider. This includes the is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. This means we get a commission for any qualifying purchases.
  • the Buddha’s position
  • the size of the Buddha statue
  • the material used to make the statue

There were frankly a lot more things to consider that I would have wanted to deal with.

We’ve found the best place to buy these Buddha gardens statues for sale. They’ve got the cheapest prices and amazing customer service too!

The Buddha’s Position

There are many different Buddha positions, each with a different meaning. The differences in hand gestures, posture and leg/ankle placement define the meaning that each Buddha signifies. So if you’re very meticulous with things like this, then this is something you need to be extremely careful about when buying one.

You wouldn’t want a Buddha statue that offers wealth when what you really want is a statue that can give you lifetime enlightenment, right? 🙂

Here are some common Buddha positions and gestures:

Fat Bellied Happy Buddha

The big-bellied fat Buddha is not really The Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) himself. However, it is many people’s idea of what a Buddha statue is. This statue is said to be a monk scholar and symbolizes happiness, wealth, abundance and good luck.

Right Hand Raised Facing Outwards

You’ll find this position in both a standing and sitting Buddha. The hand signifies protection and benevolence and it also takes away all fears.

The Crying Buddha

At first glance, some people will not even consider buying a Crying Buddha. But it is actually one of my favorite Buddhas. This Buddha position takes away suffering – now who doesn’t want that?

The Size Of The Buddha Statue

We had to put the size of our garden into consideration. If it were up to me, I’d get the largest Buddha we could find (or perhaps a replica of Bangkok’s reclining Buddha?). But that would have been too big or too impractical.

Some Buddha garden statues can be as small as 5 inches but most of the large Buddha statues for sale stand about 24 – 30 inches high.

The Material Used To Make A Buddha Statue

Some of the materials used to make a Buddha statue are:

  • wood
  • sandstone
  • bronze
  • resin
  • copper
  • porcelains
  • ceramics

We specifically wanted a Buddha statue made of brass metal as it’s very reminiscent of the Buddha statues we saw when we were traveling in Thailand. However, we eventually chose the Shaolin Sitting Buddha garden statue with hands in a praying position. It’s made of stone and looks perfect in our garden.

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